10 May 2020

Introduction to Lung Cancer Detection

Why lung cancer? What systems are there to aid in this field?

Image was obtained from The New York Times

Lung Cancer

Cancer has been known to be one of the deadly diseases that is present in our lives. Many of the victims of lung cancer had their lives taken away. In order to help prevent and control this disease, early detections should be done to ensure high survival rates of the patients diagnosed with lung cancer. Research has shown that early detection of lung cancers have helped in the survival rate of the diagnosed patient.


My work revolves around the LUNA16 challenge, which was held in 2016 to help in lung cancer screening. The challenge has since ended, and submissions are stopped. However, researches are still ongoing in helping detect Lung Cancer. The two tasks that are present in this challenge are Lung Nodule Detection and Classification. These two tasks are separate tasks but goes hand-in-hand. Many of the participants have moved from Computed Aided-Diagnosis (CAD) systems to Neural Network architectures. [To be continued]